Dagevos, J., De Voogd-Hamelink, M. and Damen, R. (2022), Established in the Netherlands, but it’s not home. Initial findings of the Survey on Migrant Integration (sim2020), The Hague, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP)




Dagevos, J., De Voogd-Hamelink, M. and Damen, R. (2022), Established in the Netherlands, but it’s not home. Initial findings of the Survey on Migrant Integration (sim2020) (Gevestigd, maar niet thuis. Eerste bevindingen uit de Survey integratie migranten(sim2020)), The Hague, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP).

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Type of publication

Survey - quantitative research

Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Public authority


The Netherlands, Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP)

Main Thematic Focus


Target Population


Key findings

The report contains figures on perceived discrimination (answer to the question about whether respondents have experienced discrimination) by origin or migrant group, gender and generation. The figures for origin groups with a muslim background are: --people with a Turkish background: 12 % for the whole group, 10 % for females, 14 % for males, 9 % for 1st generation, 16 % for 2nd generation -people with a Moroccan background: 12 % for the whole group, 17 % for females, 11% for males, 9% for 1st generation, 16 % for 2nd generation -people with an Iranian background: 8 % for the whole group, 7 % for females, 8 % for males, 7 % for 1st generation, 9 % for 2nd generation -people with a Somali background: 11 % for the whole group, 10 % for females, 11 % for males, 8 % for 1st generation, 24 % for 2nd generation

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

The report is based on findings from the Survey on Migrant Integration (SIM2020). This survey was carried out among individuals with a Turkish, Moroccan, Surinamese, Caribbean-Dutch, Somali, Iranian and Polish background in 2020. A comparison group of individuals without a migration background was surveyed too. Individuals with a migration background are defined as first and second-generation migrants. The report contains figures on perceived discrimination (answer to the question about whether respondents have experienced discrimination) by origin or migrant group, gender and generation. The survey was carried out in the period march 2020 - January 2021 via a online structured questionnaire.

Sample details and representativeness

This survey was carried out among individuals with a Turkish (n = 696), Moroccan (n = 570), Surinamese (n = 638), Caribbean-Dutch (n = 592), Somali (n = 519), Iranian (n = 855) and Polish (n = 682) background in 2020. A comparison group of individuals without a migration background (n = 771) was surveyed too. The sample was Statistics Netherlands (CBS), which drew the sample.Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has acces to population register data.

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